Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 30/97 Ten on Tuesday.............

1. My sons Soccer Tournament on Sunday went really well - the boys did a great job and he managed to score two goals and also played goalie which he rocked at!

2. My daughter has decided that she wants to save for a laptop! - She had no source of income except birthdays and Christmas and then she has no guaranteed to get money then! It may take her a while!

3. My ankle is not much better - I am off to the physio today!

4. Check out this craft blog - she has tutorials to help you with your blog and how to utilise all the functions!

5. Another great blog is this one. Sign up for the daily emails and get you own daily dose of awesomeness

6. I am loving Tuna sushi at the moment, as you know it is my meal of choice on a Wednesday.

7. We have started extra dance training on a Friday night - I have managed to get to one (prior to hurting my ankle) and I need to get to more!

8. Woo hoo I am off to the hairdressers tomorrow to get my colour touched up!

9. I was nicely surprised with my measurements and how I am 16cm down in total!

10. Caluzzis was a hoot!!! - Those Drag queens are great and so tall - I only came up to the boob of one! - Great entertainment and a fabulous meal!

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