Thursday, July 5, 2012

Things I love Thursday.................


The week has gone so fast and I am so busy, but not busy enough to remember to remind myself of the good I have in my life at the moment so here is what I am loving at the moment....

Electric blankets on a cold evening, squash games with friends, scrapbooking with bestie!, enetering into squash torurnaments - eek!, spending time with my new dance partner working on our routine, ceroc team practise-so much fun, awesome blogs being discovered, great posts on my favourite blogs, waiting for my gift exchange partner at Oh, hello friend, organising my home, loving my family, time with my children, daughter nearly turning 15, sun shine after rain,  positive affirmations


Chris H said...

You have so much you love!
I love my electric blanket too.

#fatfreefloozy said...

So much to be thankful for hey!