Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 104/23 Weekend At Last

Thought I would do a running post today alto it is middle of the afternoon now so how about a recap on the day so far?

This morning weigh in................

A disappointing 1kg GAIN!!!!!!!!

Now I know it is because of TTOTM arriving late last night and I need to remind myself of this so onwards we go.

My son ended up having a friendly today for soccer as the normal scheduled games had been cancelled due to the wet weather.
I arose late and then rushed around and only grabbed a bread roll for lunch - big mistake.
I had water up to getting home at 11.30 when we made our own subway rolls (ham, cheese, carrots, tomato and mayo) YUM

The afternoon was spent busy with washing,and creating.

A quiet evening followed with a nice warm fire and watching TV

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