Well it has been a whole month since I last posted! and boy has a lot happened.
I have been on an emotional rollercoaster the last couple of weeks as I have been having blood tests to check a few things out!
Good News:
Cholestoral Good
Diabetic - Not ME!!!!
Thyroid - Good
Liver and Kidney Function - Good!
But there was a test that showed an increase in the inflamation ........ (sorry can't quite remember what)so a few more tests are needed.
The doctor is starting at the top and working down so - Yes I am to have a blood test to do a check for cancer - eek the big C - and am trying not to stress!
I have also been sent for a chest xray - results should be back after easter and also I need to go and have a mamogram (i have to pay as in NZ they are free after you turn 45 - I am only 41!)
So this is all good - I am getting a mid life check up and depending on the results- I might be able to start the second part of my life knowing I am all clear.
If not - well let us just deal with that then!
But one thing that has come out of all this is I have been looking at my life and everything in it and about it.
I cut the social smoking (i know!!!!) on the head and have not craved it at all - YAH!
I am going to start the excercise regime back up - as I have let it lapse this month with all that was going on!!!
I realised I have to much material possesions that I do not use - Will give away or sell.
I need to get onto repaying my debts!!!!
SO the plan at the moment is to go thru all my things and decide if I really need it and if I want it to pass onto my children - if the answer is a no on both then I will sell or give it away!!!
The selling of any of these items will go straight to debts - not on anything else,
I am reworking my budget and will put more on the debts so I am debt free a lot quicker!
Next is me!!!
What I want to be:
Dress sense - is this the real me or is there a different sytle???
Work - Am i Truly happy????
life - what is my purpose???
Deep I know but I guess this is what happens when you are in the middle of a life scare!!!
Will post the results and progress after I hear more from the doctor!