Well I received in my inbox one day one of Craig Harpers inspirational blog entries and this one struck a cord with me. It was the one title: Weight-Loss;Abbreivated Guide (for those who also receive them).
What exactly struck a chord I am not sure but it is one of those posts that I connected with.
He mentioned about what you can and can't change and how alot of people invest there time into the can't change ones.
What you can change was:
1. Your body age (biological age)
2. How you use your genetics
3. Your day to day behaviours
4. Your diet
5. Your lifestyle
6. Your excercise program
Now he mentions the biggest challenges are diet and head stuff. (So true!)
He then went on to say to step back, get some perspective and take an un-emotional honest, look at your diet, excercise, mind and lifestyle and see where and how you can change it!!!!
He also summarised with:
A:In has to be less than out for weight loss!!!
B:Make excercise a daily not negotiable behaviour as apposed to "a when I have time I will" excercise
C:It is hard because we make it hard
D:Keep a food and excercise diary
E:It is all about what you do when people aren't looking (What you eat in private you wear in public)
There were some other items mentioned but these hit home to me!!!
I was also reading Joannes blog (Joamy from WW boards)about the same time and she mentioned about her recent visit to the gym and listening to Joyce Meyer and how you don't need a wishbone just get a backbone - stop wishing you were like some one else and wishing it was you - go out there and make it happen!!!
Then Joannes next entry was another hitting home one for me about motivation and how it does leave you but you have to carry on and just do it anyway!!! (there was more to it - so go read Joannes blog for the full inspiring version!!!)
Thanks Joanne - you ARE inspiring for me!!! Keep up the great work!
All up I realised thru these entries that I have been going with the flow and half doing it and wondering why I wasn't loosing or in my case loose and then gain the same two kilos for the last 7 weeks!!!!!
So today I am sitting down and doing the no-emotion, honest, no bullshit look at what I am doing with my self!!!!
Will return with the outcome