Thursday, May 10, 2012


Reading: You can Create an exceptional Life by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. I am really enjoying this little book and it is helping me rethink a few things and confirming a few others that have been on my mind.

Watching: My two wonderful children playing soccer. The season has started and they are both doing wonderfully! Liam is mainly in goal this year and he is excelling at it, Courtney is playing defense and is showing to be a valuable member of the team

Working on: My decluttering of my house – it is a slow process that is constantly interrupted with all the comings and goings of a busy household.

Thinking About: My life and all that its in it. My uncle recently passed away and it has naturally made me rethink what we do and how I go about things, it also has made me reflect on my family and extended family and the dynamics that are there!

Anticipating: Weigh in this week – I am so close to hitting the 10 kg mark that I am being so good, but I am always scared that it won’t happen due to my body deciding to play games on me this week!

Listening to: My daughter singing away to her ipod while dancing around the house – so entertaining

Eating: Thoughtfully and really thinking about my choices so the scales smile nicely on Saturday morning

Wishing: For down time – I think I am ready for a weeks holiday!

Loving: My main man! He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful father – we are so blessed!

Feeling Thankful for: Having lasted 5 years at my current job! – With all its ups and downs I am still here!

Inspired by Danielle at

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