Yup you guessed it - I gained .900 this week!!!
I know TTOTM is approaching but I think the damage was done yesterday at the movies!! - I pigged out on popcorn leaving the movies feeling yuk, then thought, once home, lets eat lots of fruit at home that will get the bowels going!! - NOT!!!! I ended up feeling even yukkier and went to bed with a sore tummy!!!
So my fault!!! - but I know what happened and will be working very hard this week to correct it!!! - I also had the work dinner on Sat night -that went well the meal was lovely and I was good!!! That is the last of my outings so I am in control again with no "planned" outings to derail me!!!.
Oh no walk this am either - my friend wasn't feeling the best - I know I should have gone myself and done a short walk but was tired!!! - I do have my 4 km walk to do tonight after work so that will be good.
Thats enough for now
PS - Sorry about the signature post going astray -will recheck that and re post.
So its a gain, you know what you did and you will take it off again next week. Don't stress!
I laughed at your eating fruit to get things moving. I have to ration fruit because I love it so much and this time of the year is fab. Tonight I had four peaches instead of my usual icecream after tea. FOUR PEACHES!! They were only little ones and I had the points but still. LOL.
Love your blog.
We all have those kind of days, just pick yourself up and start again. Just remember don't give up and you will get the results you want, well eventually...
It's so difficult at this time of the year Lisa. But the journey continues past Christmas, and continues despite our bad weeks eh? I had one of those weeks too, but now I know that I can't get away with it. let's go for gold!
xx Heth
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