Thursday, February 17, 2011

28 Day Challenge - Day 22

Well there has been lots and lots of great advise from Annette at Symply too Good to Be True and todays does not disappoint!

But first a quote:

Its up to you to recognise which food choices support your goals and which don’t!
Feed yourself in a loving way that nutures your body

Now onto todays lesson:

Positive strategies

We all know that successful weight management is a long-term challenge. Being overweight can affect us deep within our core, self-esteem and self worth. There is nothing worse than being judge for our size when we know that we are a loving and caring person. As an adult we want to be accepted for who we are, not what we look like. Annette believes that you must love yourself first before you can truly love others( and I agree!) so be proud of yourself and know that you have stepped up and are doing all you can to reach the outcome you desire.
We all know that your health can be greatly improved by losing 5-10 percent of your starting weight. That doesn't mean you have to stop there, but it does mean that an initial goal of losing 5-10 percent of your starting weight is both realistic and valuable. What you eat can affect you more than you can ever imagine so think of the food you choose today and ask yourself “is this food healthy and helping me be the healthy person I want to be?” if your answer is no then DON’T EAT IT!

If you are breaking through some bad habits then here are some strategies to help you conquer these:

1. Challenge yourself that today you will do the best you can be

2. Make your intention clear. You want to lose weight and keep it off so that is why you will do all it takes to achieve this.

3. Know the benefits such as good health, pride, happiness and a feeling of achievement.

4. Take action today. Forget tomorrow, it’s today that counts right now.

5. Eliminate excuses – don’t talk yourself into doing something that you know you will regret tomorrow.

6. Enlist help. Talk to your family and friends and explain to them how important it is that they support you.

7. Track your progress. See how well you do each week and write down the times when you stepped up and moved forward such as ordering a skinny cappuccino when out shopping instead of something you know is bad for you.

8. Do not give up – no matter what you do the moment you stop you know you will gain back your weight. Giving up is not an option!

9. Reward Yourself everyday by patting yourself on the back. Another day closer to your goal weight, well done!

10. Keep It Up. Today was great but tomorrow will be even better. Each day you are changing your lifestyle so that you are that bit closer to being in a healthy weight range.

Lots of great advise there don't you think! - I for one am definelty going to take on board these strategies.

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