Thursday, February 24, 2011

28 Day Challenge - Day 25

Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
~ Michael Jordan ~

When enough is enough

We are eating more than we have ever before in history. With upsized meals and large dinner plates being the norm. This shows we have lost the concept of what is a normal serving of food. This inturn creates a huge problem of overeating and increases the fear of feeling hungry. Imagine if we had a bell that could go off in our head when we were full, it would be fantastic.

To help understand when enough is enough we need to understand the difference of being satisfied verses being full.

Satisfaction is when you don’t feel hungry anymore but you don’t want to feel over full and uncomfortable. The ideal thing is to feel that you aren’t weighed down by how much you have eaten: you should feel energized by the food and not feel like you want to crawl into bed for a nap because you have eaten way too much.

Being satisfied helps take the focus off food. If you have to loosen your belt or undo your skirt or pants then you need to re-think how much you are eating. Start with the food you really enjoy or want first and as you fill up you won’t mind leaving the rest if you get too full. What you think is normal may be anything but this. Maybe we should eat all our salad and vegetables first and then eat the rest? This way you are filling up on the best things for your body. By taking control of how much you eat I bet you will see those kilos just fall away.

Another day with wise words from Annette!

How are you going with your fullness factor????

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