Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend Update

Well I did try and update you all yesterday but for some reason the words below the heading were not showing???

So quickly!

Weigh in on Saturday saw a fantastic loss of 1.8kg!!!

Woo hoo!!!!

Going under 100 is so close!

Champs was also on Saturday and it was amazing watching all the great dancers and being in amongst them all I find it quite inspiring and makes me want to get a whole lot more serious about my dancing!

Long may that feeling last!

We didn't place in the teams event but thats ok - we had fun!

Will try and post some photos later - if I can get posts to work at home!

1 comment:

Deb said...

That's a fantastic loss! Did you dance the weight off? Your dancing will certainly improve as the weight gets lower. That's a great goal.