Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

ten1. I am still recalling little titbits from the trip to Wellington and smiling to myself! – It was a great weekend!

2. I have set my new weight loss goal to be under the 100 at the end of November!

3. Now that we are heading into November – my Christmas preparations are well underway!

4. I have put my 43 things to do before turning 43 List up – it is one of the Pages listed under the Header above

5. I have also created another page with my Current Month Goals to help keep me focused on things

6. I am hoping to start a course at the local community hall called Hot and Spicy Heels – hoping to get some tips that I can use in my dancing

7. My BFF is moving house soon so I am helping her out with the moving and cleaning of the old house

8. I am also trying to install a new evening schedule for myself to help me achieve some of my craft goals and take me away from the telly!

9. My Daughter has made her schools Jump Jam team and they are going to be displaying there routine at the local fireworks display on 5th November

10. My Son is still not enjoying his touch games and feels like no one is sharing the ball with him

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