Monday, January 17, 2011

Mid Month Monthly Goal Update

Here is an update on my monthly goals:

1. Loose 3kgs this month

.4 down as of 08.01.11

2. Continue to consume at least 2 litres of water over the weekends
Weekend one - done and dusted!
Weekend Two - done and dusted!

3. Swim 3 times this month (Part of the 43 List)
I completed an Aqua Deep class at the pools which I really enjoyed and will try and attend this class instead of swimming laps

4. Complete at least 2 crafts this month (Part of the 43 List)
- eek -better get started on this soon

5. Make at least 2 cards this month (Part of the 43 List)
Made a birthday card for my grandmother and nephew this month!

6. Have fish at least once this month (Part of the 43 List)
Completed - Yummy!

7. Complete at least 5 Scrapbook Pages
Woo hoo completed 10 pages so far - 05.01.10

8. Begin one of the longer task from the list
I believe this is qualified with the scrapbooking pages as I completed pages towards the kids albums from 2008 - unless I can sort something else out before the end of the month!

9. Reduce overdraft
This one will not get done this month as we have some unexpected bills come up :(

10. Reduce Visa debt
The same for this one - with unexpected bills we can't reduce it as much as we would like to - but it has been reduced by a bit so I will call it a small success!

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