Friday, August 12, 2011

89 Day Challenge - Day 19 & Five on Friday

I slept in this morning!!

Argh - I must have knocked the alarm some how and it didn't go off!

I must move it to a safer place!

So no work out this morning for me BUT  we are starting Friday night dance training so that will incorporate a bit of excercise.

Had my morning Chaste - not the nicest tasting thing out there but it is only 2mls so I think I can handle it!

Busy Busy weekend ahead with kids soccer - so will be out and about - making positive choices.

And before I forget - here is my Five on Friday:

1. My amazing friend who gave me all her clothes that are too big for her now.
2. Being able to see my favourite ceroc dancer at our class - so much fun
3. My son for winning his Year 6 Cross Country - so proud
4. Talking with the naturpath and getting things underway to sort out the hormones
5. Hubby not commenting on the credit card bill (haha)

Have a great weekend

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