Monday, August 8, 2011

89 Day Challenge - Days 11-15


Sorry about that - the days got away on me after the suckky day at work!

I have still been going to the gym during the week days and trying to fit in extra activities in the weekend.

Food choices have been good and the scales on Saturday morning are moving the right way so that is good.

I had the most amazing day yesterday.

A very good friend of mine has had weight loss surgery (not lap banding but a sleeve?) she has lost 13 kilos since the surgery and lost before as well.

She has had to do a complete wardrobe change and I was the most lucky recipient of her wardrobe!

I can not believe it still - she gave me:
7 pairs of jeans (all different styles)
8 black pants
Approx 12-15 camisoles
Over 50 tops and overtops!
2 pairs of boots
2 cardiagans
2 jackets

I am so grateful for her generosity and for thinking of me like this.

I now have the problem of which top to choose to wear each day!

And to say thank you I am going to get her a voucher for some pampering at a Beautician as well as assorted gift cards from the "normal" girls clothing shops.

I feel so powerful and confident today in my new clothes it is an amazing feeling!

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