Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Catchup

Well our computer decided to throw a hissy fit and we have been with out it for a few days - but all good now!!
Quick catch up - Friday I stayed at work the day but didn't feel the best
Saturday - Not the best food day but not the badest!
Sunday - so far this morning I have been ok!
For some reason on Friday I went off the rails slightly and thought I could have a bit to eat here and a bit to eat there that was not "on the programme" so to speak.
Not sure where that come from as I recall thinking to myself once I got TTOTM that right three good weeks before the bloating starts -we can do it!!!!
Ah how the old habits creep in and the mindset of "bugger this the scales are not playing nicely why even bother" hit me!!!!
But why bother!?!
What do I want???
Why do I get up at 5.30am four days a week for???
What is it I am really wanting????
I need to rethink all this and decide what is it I want for me for my life! Do I really want to loose weight or am I doing it because I have to/need to!!!

I have created a vision board that is on the wall beside my bedroom that I try to look at everyday and it has pictures of things I want - nice clothes on a smaller body - the number 14 as the clothes sizing I am aiming for - it has knee high boots (Fat claves at the moment do not allow knee high boots)
I sitll have to add a few more items to it but I need to get honest with myself what is it I am wanting from this weight loss!!!!
I will sit down and think again about this and see if I can get my head in the right space again.
Talk later

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